Flight Academy of the National Aviation University (LA NAU) is a higher education institution of the fourth level of accreditation with more than half a century of experience. The academy is a university-level education institution with more than half- century functioning experience. More than three thousand aviation specialists for 51 foreign countries have been trained in the academy during this time.
Nowadays the Academy provides graded training (bachelor- level program and master-level program) and initial cadets’ training according to the programs of private pilot (PPL) and commercial pilot (CPL) as specified in the Certificate of training institution FTO-003/2016. To enter the Academy it is necessary to submit the following documents:
-application form;
-document on education and grades obtained with translation into Ukrainian;
-statement of HIV good health, Certificate from a psychiatric dispensary, a narcological
dispensary, a tuberculosis dispensary;
-medical certificate (a period not less than two months before the entry into Ukraine);
-insurance policy;
-birth certificate;
-national identity document (expiry date is not less than one year);
-open return (valid for a year);
- 8 photos (sizing 3*4) and to be individually interviewed and to get a medical screening.
Bachelor's degree (study in English)
1. Specialty 272 - “Air Transport”
Professional rights
- “Aircraft Pilot.” (theoretical course). Flight training on aircraft NARP-1, Cesna 172, K-10, At-3, L-410, An-2, AN-26.
- "Dispatcher." (with simulator training)
- “Aeronautical Information Engineer”. (with simulator training)
- "Rescue Engineer." (with simulator training)
- “Engineer for maintenance, repair and diagnostics of aircraft”.
- “Transport Manager / Production Management Organization Engineer”. (with simulator training)
- “Transport Manager / Transport Specialist.” (with simulator training)
The term of study is 4 years.
2 . Specialty 073 - "Management"
Professional rights
- "Manager of international air transportation."
- "Tourism manager".
Master (study in Russian or Ukrainian)
1. Specialty 272 - “Air Transport”
The term of study is 1.5 years.
Postgraduate study (training in Russian or Ukrainian)
- 275 "Transport technologies";
- 011 “Educational Sciences”;
The term of study is 4 years.
Pre-university training of foreign citizens. Duration of study is 9 months.
Civil Aviation Pilot Training for ICAO Standard Programs:
1. Amateur Pilot (PPL) - ICAO Course 231. Final aircraft: NARP-1, K-10, Cesna 172.
Duration - 8 months, total flight time - 46 hours, of which 40 hours on the aircraft.
Start date: as the group is staffed.
Training in Russian and English.
Admission conditions: availability of a document on full secondary education.
2. Commercial Pilot (CPL) - ICAO Course 232. Final aircraft: AN-2, Cesna 172.
Duration - 18 months, total flight time - 165 hours, of which 150 hours on the aircraft.
Start date: as the group is staffed.
Training in Russian and English.
Admission conditions: availability of a document on full secondary education.